C25K journal March 10 & 11 2014

I’m still on day 1 week 1 of the C25K training even though this is my 3rd day using the training program.  Well, in my opinion that’s the beauty of this training I can move forward as I feel comfortable moving forward.  This is not a race or competition with anyone but myself.  My goal is to get better each time I train and if I don’t feel I’ve give my best or yet mastered a level I can stay where I am.  There’s no shame i  holding myselfback a day or a week,  as long as I’m comfortable with myself.  That’s what’s important to me because this is not about impressing others,  my focus is on my health and how good I feel when I wear certain clothes or even naked.  I want to know I’m making strides toward making me the best me I can be,  inside and out.

In our society we put a lot of emphasis on the opinions of others and their opinions are important but the outside world should not have a stronger influence on my decision making than I do.

I went to the gym after work on Tuesday and the treadmills were packed. I decided to get on the while. I did 20 minutes on the fat burning setting then I did half of the c25k. I’m happy with that, compared to what I was doing last month I’m already ahead in calorie burning and movement.

cycling felt great

Today is Tuesday March 11th and I decided to take the day off. My body is super sore and I think a day of recovery after going 5 days hard in the paint is necessary.

C25K training journal March 8, 2014

I must confess for many years I’ve wanted to run.  I can feel in my spirit that I’m supposed to be a runner. What holds me back you ask? My own insecurities.  Fear.  Extra weight and big boobs.  Come on ladies let’s be real when our breasts are over a C cup they are a bother and running with these big things jiggling all over the place is not cute or comfortable. So I allowed those mind images to hold me back.

Day one week one #2

Fast forward to 2012 I heard somewhere about an app called C25K which helps train to run a 5k in 30 minutes. I was intrigued and downloaded the app and dreamed if the day I could run the full 5K. But I still didn’t start.

Fast forward again to about 2 weeks ago, a blogger I follow, Jenell B. Stewert, posted that she started her C25K training. Mind you she just had a baby a month ago. I said to myself, if she’s there doing it what’s your problem. So I set a date to get started.

The date I set was March 2nd. As Murphy’s law would have it I started coming down a cold on February 24th. I mean if started on Monday with much pressure in my head and face area and took the full 5 work days to finally drop down onto a full blown cold. By Sunday the 2nd of March I was in full blown post nasal drip mode. No Bueno and no leaving the house. I stayed in and took care of myself for 4 days.

How ever the good news is I did eventually get started on Wednesday March 5th. I’m not totally over my cold but I’m not taking any more excuses from myself about this fitness thing.  I need to be healthy I’m tired of saying I’m going to lose weight and not making any moves towards actulally making any progress I’m out to prove to myself I can do this. I can take care if me. I am worth being healthy for. Watch me as I challenge myself.

By the way C25K stands for couch 2 5K. Its intent is to take a couch potato, like me, and turn me into being able to run a 5K in 30 minutes. It starts with Day 1 Week 1, which consists of 8 cycles of each of walking (90 seconds) and jogging/running (60 seconds). My current walking speed is 3MPH and my running speed is 4.5mph. Today I threw in a couple cycles at 5.0 just to challenge myself and it was a challenge. I was able to complete one full cycle at 5.0 and I spent some time on 5.0 during other cycles but had to crank the speed back down. And today I was thinking, I should blog about this because it would be nice to have a record of my transformation and it would help keep me accountable.

Here’s a picture of me today after my workout.
image My rough gym look